
Top Technology Trends That will reform life in 2021

Top Technology Trends 2021   Top Technology Trends That will reform life in 2021 Modern technology is one of the most dynamic aspects of active life. Over here are typically some of the top technology trends that will gently aid you to properly develop your active life as well as your remarkable career in 2021.  Top Technology Trends in 2021 Artificial Intelligence (AI) 5G Technology Data Science  Blockchain technology Internet of things (IoT) Cybersecurity Virtual reality Augmented Reality Edge Computing Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Machine Learning " Every modern Innovative technology divinely inspired the active generation to design a better future" - Gokul Pillai                                                                          So are you ready to explore? Come let us start eagerly one by one .  Artificial Intelligence  Artificial Intelligence AI or Artificial Intelligence is one of the top technology trends of 2021. AI refers to an automated machine that can i